CGC Registry

Phil’s Collectibles - Adams Galore

Set Type: Neal Adams - DC and Marvel Covers
Owner: comicwine
Last Modified: 2/5/2025
Views: 625

Rank: 1
Score: 145882
Leading by: 33168
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

This set happens to be my passion in comic collecting. I have been a collector for over 40 years and vividly remember the first time I got exposed to Neal's work in the 70s. I was captivated by the realism of his art. Fast forward to today. I have most of his work in HC reprints that I am able to read at my leisure and my goal is to get my favorites of his works in "slabbed" format. I also happen to own multiple original art pieces, including a published cover from Neal also.
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