CGC Registry

Shuri Black Panther

Set Type: Black Panther (2009) All Variants
Last Modified: 6/17/2022
Views: 61

Rank: 14
Score: 3
Leading by: N/A
Points to Higher Rank: 2

Set Description:

Who is that suited up to bring back the Wakanda Spirit? Be it day or night, weekend or weekday, these heroes keep us guessing until the reveal to be reveled in, that is for sure. A bit of a spoiler in the "set title", sure, but it takes these eye flinching reflexes to make any changes stick. Ongoing involvement will occur with Shuri now involved in development, be it movie, streaming, or yes, even comics-comics-comics!
Plenty to rejoice in and about, as it looks like the Panther character will survive and thrive. We've seen the movies and comics crash the threshing room floor, only to be scooped up and cuddled with. How about a hug? With this swinging market, we all may want one.

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