CGC Registry

Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol

Set Type: Doom Patrol (1987)
Owner: Gopher753
Last Modified: 6/10/2022
Views: 557

Rank: 2
Score: 336
Leading by: 96
Points to Higher Rank: 14

Set Description:

This early series by Grant Morrison demonstrated all the weird and wacky attributes that Grant Morrison is known for. It has the first appearance of Crazy Jane, one of the short list of great characters that I dread the idea that DC and some writer wants to revive. It has my favorite characterization of Cliff Steele, Robotman. There are wonderful and wacky villains such as the Scissormen, the Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and another favorite The Brotherhood of Dada and the Painting That Ate Paris. And it introduced Danny the Street.
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