CGC Registry


Set Type: TMNT: New Animated Adventures (2013) All Variants
Owner: Icculus308win
Last Modified: 10/28/2024
Views: 370

Rank: 1
Score: 300
Leading by: 290
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

I have to say, I'm a big fan of the cartoon. Moreover, it is has been a HUGE HIT watching it with each of my two sons! Been such a joy sharing in the love and fun of the Green Guys with my boys. This specific cartoon was a big part of getting them into TMNT.
The writers and artists they have on board make the series a pretty fun and entertaining read!

The toughest to locate of the various #1 editions, in 9.8 condition was "The Awesome Con”. A surprising scarce book.

The most arduous book to find in just any decent condition was the #9 Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Award Edition!
- This comic was handed out to kids as they walked through the door of the Kids Choice Award show. From what I read/heard, many were just left under seats after being rolled-up or crumpled. Those and others stepped on. Any that made the actual trip in NM condition were pretty few and far between. I have actually only seen 6 raws for sale at this time. Lucked out with an awesome seller/grader off eBay.
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