DC with the Bronze transition, backing it up with the eerie and dark, but only on the first setting. Movies have since gotten to the point where the film is so darkly tinted, it is hard to see the action. With greats like Neal Adams and Bernie Wrightson, there are many that got rambunctious, and to the point that venues were selling more comics! That caused collectables for people of many ages!
Those are the Back Drops to any craze, with publicity and "Now Showing" printed everywhere! It somewhat rings true even today, but with same old and newer properties!
DC is not all homely or with caution, as they can spill the guts just the same as anyone. With hits like the Superman or Batman, it hits home as a nature boy! WHoo! That tried-and-true feature speaks a lot to where we are and have come from to become the instituted culture. DC brandishes it all, but as to not despise humble beginnings, it is also a start and or a relishing of "what" we have become, and are capable or culpable. Times are sometimes needed of refreshing and or a reset, but that isn't usually done within an expected timeframe or multiverse, but with conditions set to move forward and with an appealing to any culture as a mindset. There isn't just one but a whole and a lot of them, so to speak of those in the industry is then to immerse yourself with, in a way, its own culture and wellbeing with DC as a frontrunner.