CGC Registry

The Fantastic Four of Heros

Set Type: Fantastic Four (Complete) LEGACY
Last Modified: 8/21/2024
Views: 708

Rank: 198
Score: 3727
Leading by: 3
Points to Higher Rank: 1

Set Description:

Classic Stan Lee. A whip arse of action with Kirby and the storyteller! Stretching an invisible flame of a rock-hard story, and you've got the Galactic Surfer book of your frightful four dreams! You will find them almost inhuman, and even, robotic sometimes! In the end these books sum up the Doctors of Doom that cannot be found with any of their 1st's elsewhere, only in the Fantastic FOUR! Indeed, these are the aspirations of any creator, to be as fantastic and long running.
Clean out that old dirty closet or attic, to some finds that will stretch your sensibilities, invisibly to a rock-hard fervent heat of nostalgia!

2X2 equals four and is also a nice Metallica rendition of the rock that is the fire and stretched not so invisibly by the fearsome respected foursome. Fantastic! It sounds so real to hear it ring true, and when reading you hope all that they've accomplished could be because of you! The fan that is still a living breathing entity and buying from those that sell for the good of comic kind and with four element "type" forces at a time. Invisibility may have reckoned that key element of plot more recently, as in Harry Potter. The Fantastic Four are forwardly and reactively in momentum more popular for sure, as well longstanding. In uncovering the unknown masses, who didn't even know what they needed at the time until reading it proving it tried and tested. Teamwork makes the dreamwork, and they now no longer feel invisible but will always have the need for classic Kirby and Stan Lee. Times are tough enough between issues, times 4, and times are tough say hello to 2 by 4 ~ paraphrasing Metallica, on speaking of Stan and Jack the main two authors of the FANTASTIC FOUR!

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