CGC Registry

Suicide Squad! Set to Explode! Tick! Tick!

Set Type: Suicide Squad (2011)
Last Modified: 3/14/2019
Views: 337

Rank: 7
Score: 15
Leading by: 6
Points to Higher Rank: 3

Set Description:

Suicide Squad, well that's not good, they've got time ticking bombs implanted if they try to escape. In the movie one or more was successful in removing or avoiding the kaboom, shall any others test that theory? Again? It's a time crunch, and not all is fixable. Not all can be crammed into successful missions, and kerflooey! It takes the effort to be swift and discerning, keeping your head is a must, in this squad of undesirables.
That is the squad and therein lies the rub of the hope that is in them, is it able to be stressed or kept in line! It takes some kind of obedience to be faithful when the chips are stacked, and that can be enough to trust in yourself and in what you believe!

Here seen and yet with another angle, but firstly so, and with a character like cover to boot. It is the old Harley and not in age from birth but instead the mentality. From where we begin, it will take the will to change or be thwarted. Here the government proffers an opportunity, but rather forcefully I might add, which only means the experiences turn into the thoughts in kind that a woman like Harley, well, will conceive that change. It takes the overcoming odds that aren't really meant as rehabilitation, in this case, but that turns the pendulum to swing anyway. Glad Harley has proven those things she has seen in herself and others, to see that she can then do better. She wants to escape the other and not realizing at first that she put herself there in the first place. After realizing by the forceful confirmation to be used in a positive way, then she can choose it herself to be less in her own way but instead see others as something or someone to be saved.

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