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Lots of 1st appearances! You've got your Iron Fists and your Ant Man's. You've got others that are ripe for the picking movie wise, and they all sum up in Marvel Premiere to introduce you and even give an origin or two. Here pictured is a highlight of Stan's "soapbox", and it is Signature Series by Herb Trimpe and Len Wein. It features the ad for Hulk #181, that can be found in Marvel Premiere #19. Not too shabby to display the effort put through to promote an issue. Stan Lee was the ultimate promoter, he made a life of it, and it stuck like glue. Now we're cooking with grease!
The Soap Box was a pedestal, and to make it Stan Lee's sponsored little promotion was a useful tool, that did not let up. RIP Stan the Man!
Decked out for some nice presentations in signature series and or raws of the age in which the Bronze was king over the 1970's and onward. It was a few fast punches with no pull back from the crowd, commencing into the crescendo that is all about the Kung-Fu! It splashed about the pages and with anticipations along with willing hearts to get to the usefulness of such things. It was a craze that spoke to dedications and discipline, with all the then cartoons or anime's that followed, I'd say it has its day in the sun as something well established. Between solo stories and character building, knowing and understanding cultures, Marvel really needed to get it right, and somewhat they did while writing or illustrating to be convincing. We just need the substance translated outside of comics to media, the way it inspired the "real world."
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Marvel Premiere 1 |
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Marvel Premiere 1 Universal |
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1st appearance of Him as Adam Warlock. 1st app. of the Soul Gem. Hulk, Thor and Fantastic Four appearance in flashback. My first experience with the "Collectors Comics" website, and it was a doozy or bit slow on the uptake. Eventually securing this VF/NM Slab for $306 shipped and all is well. Portrayed with a childlike mind in Guardians of the Galaxy movie #3, this "warlock business" is almost taking care of itself in value. It was a good time to be mindful of the slack off in prices, and yet, with the number of cameos and other notations on slabs it could be time consuming to "collect them all!' It isn't my favorite genre, and why they insist on making more human traits with characters into "mystic origins" must be only because it is comics, comics, comics. Not unrelatable twists in plots, and with split undecided attitudes of personality traits, one can analyze and make for a quick adventure. They pack a lot into these small editions, well before modern times. One can hope that it be revisited compared to today's cost, as well.
Complete with a back cover picture of some nearby in the run of Marvel Premiere issues that show the progression and how quickly Dr. Strange became the main attraction!
Grader Notes:
light cover tanning;
light creasing to cover;
light spine stress lines to cover.
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Marvel Premiere 15 |
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Marvel Premiere 15 Universal |
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1st Iron Fist White Pages! Glad to have added this as a white pager, had to wait until they came down in price a little, and it still cost $405 back in 2018! I read issue #16, and I saw the conclusion of the origin of Iron Fist! I like it, seems to be original! Love, Trust, and Determination. What will he accomplish with this newfound power and skill?!? The Netflix was a flop, although the inspiration is not gone though. Now they've gone back to the well, so that the plot so to speak will be closer to comics, in the next installment. We've got some plausible kung fu attraction, after a Shang Chi was more successful, but currently, the interest may "seem" somewhat dismal. The comics may last forever as the plausible undeniable magic were in the embers for good old Iron Fist. It's got the razzle dazzle; it just needs a good production. Selling on sizzle for so long, I'm sure it will grow as a fan base!
Complete with a back cover picture of the 3rd appearance of the Iron Fist! As my 2nd appearance back cover picture is tied up with other importance! I've read #16, now #17, that #15 raw may be an illusion at this point other than a reprint to read! The Iron Fist hits hard with a coming-of-age story, love age, as the relationship lessons is what he's still learning! Picked up from Local Comic Shop Comics Asylum while my friend Punisherpunisherpunisher or Chad is visiting from Australia! For only $11 a vg/fine condition worthy copy!
Grader Notes:
light creasing to cover;
light spine stress lines to cover.
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Marvel Premiere 16 |
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Marvel Premiere 16 Universal |
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2nd app Iron Fist. Origin Iron Fist continued. 1st appearance of Lei King Thunderer. Finally got this in slab form. I read it and I'm glad to know who the Iron Fist is now, and how he got his powers by transferring the hot embers in the sand. Making it so long at it that the transfer from energy made by the sands of time were now in his hands, to be made of IRON. Man, I hope that it will keep him well off enough to do battle! The 1st part of the origin is in #15, and it would be the betrayal of sorts that only gives the Iron Fist a cause! Now found in our universe, "revenge" could be the task, and there will be a bloodbath. The Iron Fist will need quick redemption after the eyes of justice rain upon his brow. He is satisfied, for now, but the bitter grapes in his stomach will eventually sour. He will get to it after he is done with the Scythe on the cover. Action Packed Martial Arts!
Complete with a back cover picture of a couple issues later, of the 1st Colleen Wing, which is a girlfriend of sorts that needs vigilante justice? Or at least some caring for as the Iron Fist's 1st mission. Picked up from the Local Comic Shop Comics Asylum, for $43 out the door, while my friend Chad boardie Punisherpunisherpunisher is visiting from Australia! It also features a Hulk 181 ad that I, in turn, do have a slabbed "NG" designation signature series copy!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Marvel Premiere 19 |
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Marvel Premiere 19 Signature |
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SS by Herb Trimpe and Len Wein on 11/02/13 This is a "no grade" yet it fits in the Registry! An Incredible Hulk #181 ad signed by artist Herb Trimpe and writer Len Wein; it may be the closest that I come to a #181 signed by these legends RIP! Plus, it has Stan Lee's "soap box" on the other side and it is available to read! He even plugs the ever-popular reading material of "Spidey-Super-Stories!" Win Win. While the Marvel Premiere #19 itself was the first appearance of Colleen Wing. Still that readable soapbox and signature is where it's at, and I only have the appreciation for some ads. Mostly the ones that can be considered affordable! Fitting that it is something up my alley though. That is a simple niche, and I've scratched that itch, and that made me smile when I bought this. Not in a panic nor fear of missing out, but the Wolverine in 181 is what it was all about. 181 ads even appearing after the issue of Hulk 180 only goes to show there was an initial success or fervor for the Wolverine! I love that some creators were still available for meeting in person when I got back into collecting too.
Front and Back Cover Pictures that speak of the volumes of virtue older books had within the pages housed in comics, that took the world by storm and even the world over. Peace found by just talking shop and spreading the appearance of helping the funny page business. Spokesman or not, it is an example for the foundation making the newsstands!
Graders Notes Unavailable.
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Marvel Premiere 47 |
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Marvel Premiere 47 Modern |
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Scott Lang becomes the new Ant Man. This may be the Ant-Man of the movies, energetic and funny. I bought this on a whim that turned out to be a good idea. I loved the Ant-Man featured in film, and he was a very key element to to the Avenger's team and film! Dada dada dada Lang Man, Dada Dada Dada Ant-man. The only Lang mightier than the time machine thanks to a rat. The theatrics of film has brought this to the forefront of stardom. Large or tall, short or small, the Ant-man rescues all. Leaving no man behind until the future is anew, with the Black Widow laid ruin, even with her own solo movie prelude. Is this the end for Scott Lang? Will the Wasp still befriend? Stay tuned. We need only see the Avengers until next time adieu. This is the same Scott Lang that first appeared way back in Avengers Vol 1 issue #181, which I have in the registry as well.
Complete with a back cover picture of the advance prescreen tickets of 2023, Antman and Wasp, movie before it is released to the public. At a dine in theater this time and featuring the dreaded Kang character. Will there be an offer you can't refuse?
Grader Notes:
Left Top Front Cover Multiple Bend;
Spine Multiple Stress Lines Breaks Color.
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