CGC Registry

Sam Wilson as Captain America.

Set Type: Captain America (2013)
Last Modified: 6/9/2022
Views: 85

Rank: 18
Score: 15
Leading by: 6
Points to Higher Rank: 10

Set Description:

Sam Wilson is taking back the name of the most Patriotic symbol at Marvel. He has got the "duds" and the ambition, he only needs the will power to make the claim and take back the powers that be, indeed. It will take some grinding and leveling up to become the All-American role model that he has looked up to, but he himself has earned some stripes and is willing to make the grade! It'll take a lot to bear the stars and stripes proudly, indeed Captain America!
Sam Wilson is the Captain America worth waiting for? It is the time for change, when we make it, as that is when we are willing to accept that there needs to be a difference. Yes, change is the key, even the honor that comes with it!

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