CGC Registry

The "Hammed" Rabbit!

Set Type: Albedo (1983)
Last Modified: 10/21/2024
Views: 88

Rank: 20
Score: 75
Leading by: 15
Points to Higher Rank: 7

Set Description:

Albedo and the anthropomorphic characters with attitude that swept the 80's and onward. It took stamina and resilience to speak up as a taught student then, whether it be ninja, a mecha as a Power Ranger or VR Trooper, or even just a kid on a playground swinging a lunchbox. Nicknames were quickly handed out and it was a reputation to stay as studious as possible.
The rabbit has somehow time, space, and age traveled but not without a flashback or two, to show the old world and that those traditions were still held as the standard for discipline!

Growing up in the 80's there was many innovations and ideas that flew around in the bullpens. Whether in tights or in media, they seemed to have a common theme of animals doing the talking. They seemed interesting to draw and or look at, which made for some enjoyable reading and a little out of the box thinking. Turtles being number one, with Albedo and Usagi Yojimbo joining in, and then later on with the TICK! All these were common form for the age, especially copper, but it made for those innocent childish stories to come up with some "adult themes" that were somehow acceptable by parents and kids alike! Animals were thought to especially be for children animation based on what had been presented up until that point, what with Merrie Melodies and other Bugs Bunny type ephemera, which in themselves were a bit chaotic and loud. A new serious type fighting turtle, rabbit, or tick just blended in!

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