CGC Registry

Spidey Super Stories

Set Type: Spidey Super Stories (1974)
Owner: mysterio
Last Modified: 6/13/2015
Views: 1045

Rank: 2
Score: 8128
Leading by: 535
Points to Higher Rank: 2252

Set Description:

My goal is to complete the set in CGC 9.4 or higher (ideally 9.6 or higher). This is the only title I am really trying to complete in slabbed books. I have been working hard on this title, and have made some great progress. My collection includes books from the Winnipeg, Valparaiso, Golden State, and Don Rosa collections, with several copies that are currently the lone graded example for that issue.

One nice thing about Super Stories is that they have more artwork on the back covers, unlike the boring ads on most comics. As of 9/12/2010 I have front and back cover scans up for all of my issues!

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