CGC Registry

Here come the Judge, Dredd!

Set Type: Judge Dredd (Eagle)
Last Modified: 3/15/2022
Views: 324

Rank: 24
Score: 34
Leading by: 13
Points to Higher Rank: 13

Set Description:

Dredd is lethal, Dredd is Judge. I've got the 1st U.S. appearance, and on to the next. Great writing in these issues, that caused 90's excerpts in film, and a whole lot that still holds up today. The Classics! When Judge says, "Freeze!", and they've already been frozen to death for 2 weeks. That kind of Justice brand does not go unnoticed, for it is the humor or scary way it represents the society depicted. It is Dredd! That is the desired effect on those would be criminals, and needless to say, the Judge WILL BE THAT DREDD!
The Dredd of the Judge is to Drudge up old Dredd and get the Judge, Judge Dredd! Ah Ya!

Judge Dredd isn't the only one with missions in this world of a society pushed forward by pressures, and Judge Dredd is the one to take up a stance in the "law" of a world with serious consequences. Those are summed up by the dry type of British humor in a foreboding terror that the authority attaches in his world as a judge. These are the things that he doesn't bother to judge of his own character, save to carry out his assumed authority and to judge another day! He is almost the same as another character by being the best at what he does, but ruthlessness in a legal like faction is unique to the likes of Dredd. These aren't easy pills to swallow except that he has his high points in art and or description that still brings in the purchases and readers. In short, a firm fanbase from the Copper Age of comics!

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