CGC Registry

The CGC Comic Registry is a free online community where collectors register and display their comics, interact with other collectors, and compete for awards and recognition. Participants can display their CGC-certified comics in pre-defined Competitive Sets, where they�ll receive a point value associated with scarcity, desirability and certified grade.

Set Name
Set Goals
richard8158 Rich’s Joe Kubert cover set My goals are to just keep collecting and having fun at this! 11/27/2020 11/23/2024 301409409
ComicGuy403 Tyler Kirkham Universal 3/29/2023 11/22/2024 022
ComicGuy403 Todd McFarlane Universal 3/29/2023 11/22/2024 51212
ComicGuy403 Todd McFarlane McSpidey Run Complete the entire run in CGC 9.8 3/22/2023 11/22/2024 42525
ComicGuy403 Todd McFarlane ASM Run 6/5/2024 11/22/2024 12929
ComicGuy403 Skottie Young Universal 3/29/2023 11/22/2024 099
ComicGuy403 J Scott Campbell Covers 3/29/2023 11/22/2024 011
Fishyjoe Peach Signature Series 11/22/2024 11/22/2024 01111
ComicGuy403 Greg Horn Covers 3/29/2023 11/22/2024 033
ComicGuy403 Clayton Crain Signature 3/29/2023 11/22/2024 11717
C0mmanderB0nd Shikarii Vault Collect All Shikarii Covers 10/30/2024 11/21/2024 14646
ComicGuy403 Stanley Artgerm Lau Covers 3/29/2023 11/20/2024 022
ComicGuy403 Skottie Young Signature 3/29/2023 11/20/2024 02121
ComicGuy403 Ivan Tao Covers 3/29/2023 11/20/2024 066
ComicGuy403 Clayton Crain Universal 3/29/2023 11/20/2024 21010
Crushalot Modern books without competitive sets 6/28/2024 11/15/2024 277
Summersofar Mignola Covers & F.Miller sketch 11/13/2024 11/13/2024 0013
Kravel Peach Momoko - Mirka Andolfo's Sweet Paprika 11/11/2024 11/11/2024 011
C0mmanderB0nd Other Artists 10/30/2024 11/1/2024 01111
C0mmanderB0nd C0mmanderB0nd PH1s 10/30/2024 10/30/2024 066
Lookin4Newsstands John Byrne cover set John Byrne cover set. 1/16/2015 10/30/2024 1280116116
Paul © ® ⚽️💙™ Paul's ECs 8/24/2023 10/23/2024 033
pmpknface A Gallery of Comic Art by LB Cole I'd like a copy of every book he did, and minus a few I'm well on my way! I'm still on the lookout for these, so if you know of any copies up for grabs let me know! WANTS: BB #123, Catman nn (yellow, floating heads cover), and Startling Terror Tales V2 #10. I'm sure there's a few others, I think one of the Horrors books (I gotta check) and likely a few of the funny animal books. I also wouldn't mind upgrading some of the books that came back restored / qualified either. I'd also like a BB #105 and a better Mask #2 (my copy currently ungraded), but I don't really see that happening without a winning lottery ticket. It's all just a matter of opportunity, luck, and money! Thanks for looking! 10/4/2023 10/7/2024 15184184
pmpknface LB Cole - Other Issues I'm an LB Cole freak so I'm looking to get copies of them all! 10/9/2023 9/14/2024 11616
Judge Gregg Judge Gregg 2/25/2015 9/9/2024 5242953
Lookin4Newsstands John Romita cover set John Romita cover set. 1/16/2015 8/13/2024 11795353
Jayncoke JTC Negative Covers 2/22/2024 8/1/2024 0331
Justitia Justitia’s Dave Stevens Cover Collection 5/6/2024 7/27/2024 255
Justitia Justitia’s Adam Hughes Collection 7/22/2024 7/22/2024 033
Fetty2015 Alex Ross, The Collection Everything 7/17/2023 7/7/2024 3018
revelever An Iconic Collection of Signed Comics My collecting goal is to obtain comic books with iconic and recognizable covers, as well as covers that I particularly admire. Plus, I really want to collect at least one cover from each of my favorite artists. 6/28/2024 6/28/2024 088
Lookin4Newsstands Dave Cockrum cover set Dave Cockrum cover set. 1/16/2015 6/25/2024 9334242
Mrbizarro2u JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER 6/6/2024 6/6/2024 0021
Mrbizarro2u MRBIZARRO2U AARON BARTLING COVERS 11/10/2023 6/6/2024 1029
Mrbizarro2u Various Skottie Young Covers and more 11/10/2023 6/6/2024 30293
comicwine Neal Adams - All Things Adams Put together the most comprehensive Neal Adams collection to celebrate the career of one of the most influential comic artists in the medium. His career spanned over 6 decades who influenced countless artists celebrated in this forum and across the industry. 12/19/2019 6/4/2024 448136178
adaymerced George Perez Awesomeness 4/9/2024 4/9/2024 1112
Jayncoke Rose Besch Covers 3/29/2024 3/30/2024 038
Jayncoke In-Hyuk Lee Covers 3/29/2024 3/29/2024 034
Justitia Justitia’s Bruce Timm Cover Artist Collection 7/29/2023 3/17/2024 058
far34 Bernie Wrightson Set 3/15/2024 3/15/2024 102
Chad The Collector Scottie Young Variants 3/4/2024 3/4/2024 011
Justitia Justitia’s Dan Parent Collection 2/29/2024 2/29/2024 0713
Justitia Justitia’s Leirix Li Collection 2/8/2024 2/8/2024 033
louie the13 DO YOU POOH? COVER ART 1/13/2024 1/13/2024 111
Gent Jones Sergio Aragonés (Aragones) Covers 3/23/2022 12/27/2023 106275
Violent-Delights Schmalke Army 12/15/2023 12/21/2023 02121
Lookin4Newsstands Steve Ditko cover set Steve Ditko cover set (Amazing Spider-Man). 1/16/2015 11/20/2023 6961313
Judge Holden Famous Funnies 214 11/19/2023 11/19/2023 001
Lookin4Newsstands Jerry Robinson cover set Jerry Robinson cover set. 1/16/2015 11/18/2023 51277
Lookin4Newsstands Bob Kane covers Bob Kane covers. 3/18/2020 11/18/2023 20166
jdiller J Scott Campbell by JD 11/13/2023 11/18/2023 1022
jdiller Michael Turner 11/13/2023 11/13/2023 008
Lookin4Newsstands Frank Thorne Cover Set Frank Thorne Red Sonja covers. 6/28/2015 11/7/2023 5432424
randmimagery Sun Khamunaki 11/5/2023 11/5/2023 02222
LiveRust Natali Sanders 8/23/2020 11/3/2023 94017
The Captain Adam Hughes Classic X-Men & Other Stuff Collect things I like. 7/25/2023 10/27/2023 288
David Gulino Momoko Covers 3/20/2023 9/21/2023 21050
subzeroxxxxxx Momokollection I would love to collect all of Peachmomoko's comics. 4/8/2023 9/17/2023 4020
CarloV Todd Mcfarlane 11/20/2020 9/7/2023 9509
RussWilliams Dauterman Hellfire Gala Green Carpet 8/21/2023 8/21/2023 0012
Justitia Justitia’s Peach Momoko Cover Artist Collection 7/29/2023 8/16/2023 256
Justitia Justitia’s Mike Mayhew Cover Artist Collection 7/29/2023 7/29/2023 1418
Justitia Justitia’s David Nakayama Cover Artist Collection 7/29/2023 7/29/2023 1814
1337pino Pino's (Comic Creator) Matt Baker covers 7/27/2023 7/27/2023 001
CHawks Frison 7/9/2023 7/9/2023 003
RussWilliams Dauterman Costume Covers Complete set (fourteen covers?) at 9.2 or above 6/25/2023 6/25/2023 01414
Chris3853 Duke 5/23/2023 5/23/2023 1216
kevink312 Nakayama Covers 5/21/2023 5/21/2023 101
Joker666 Artgerm Comics 5/15/2023 5/15/2023 006
Jkennedy885 Szerdys finest 4/10/2023 4/10/2023 102
KYThrill Dave Stevens 4/2/2023 4/2/2023 201
bob grogan spawn 265 4/2/2023 4/2/2023 044
Will the Thrill Campbell Covers 3/27/2023 3/27/2023 014
ChristianF CFATT Cover Sketch Set 2/4/2023 2/4/2023 004
Jasonmorris1000000 Brian Bolland 9.8's 11/17/2019 1/11/2023 17177
TheNero Art Adams Covers Collect as many as possible 12/10/2022 12/10/2022 3013
Jasonmorris1000000 Kyle Hotz 9.8’s of all his Billy the Kid’s Old Timey Oddities would be nice. 3/7/2020 10/30/2022 1591010
Jasonmorris1000000 John Totleben Covers 10/18/2019 10/29/2022 2379494
Chas-71 Batman 108 6/24/2022 9/26/2022 088
John J Rodriguez Beautiful artwork covers Artist signatures 9/4/2022 9/4/2022 011
Danny Dao Deadpool The Circle Chase 9/3/2022 9/3/2022 022
alienbarbecue clayton crain covers just adding crain covers to my personal collection 8/4/2022 8/4/2022 104
Chris177 PTP Alex Ross To get as many as I can Alex Ross signed books. 11/4/2018 4/27/2022 271031
Mducey Ducey’s Mico Suayan Covers 1/25/2021 2/22/2022 821022
Rob Wilby Zu Orzu cover set 2/9/2022 2/9/2022 1588
Willardkoffman Ghosts and Grails Not really sure as of now. Contemplating. 3/6/2020 2/5/2022 15103
SeanYork Peach Momoko Covers 1/11/2021 1/12/2022 1763442
SeanYork Skottie Young Covers 1/11/2021 12/27/2021 11218
goodmorningscifi Alex Ross "Timeless" Covers 10/14/2021 11/18/2021 3405
l.a.bamba Kang The Conquer 10/28/2021 10/28/2021 5001
adaymerced Jock Covers 10/22/2021 10/22/2021 3802
Erelas Each Artist Favorite Artists 11/9/2018 7/28/2021 291117
largand88 Walt Simonson 7/28/2021 7/28/2021 6022
SeanYork JeeHyung Lee Covers 1/11/2021 6/12/2021 1491010
cnil MOMOKO IS A PEACH! I want to grade my Star Wars Insider 200 magazines and branch into collecting Peach Momoko original art and posters! Her covers (and interiors too!) deserve poster treatment and I hope to find some and send them into CGC soon! Also, her Demon Days books will be my other next goal to send in for grading. 5/13/2021 5/13/2021 13708
Sage121 Jae Lee Covers Enjoy covers by the fantastic Jae Lee. 5/24/2018 4/16/2021 8311010
JRBaxter Steranko 4/4/2021 4/4/2021 7701
JRBaxter Frazetta 12/26/2019 4/4/2021 199014

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